TIPP! Academic Conference and Workshop: The Formation and Development of New Markets -TOOLS FOR THE FUTURE: RESEARCHING ART MARKET PRACTICES FROM PAST TO PRESENT (London, 30-31 May 2019)
This conference invites new and existing research around the emergence of art markets, their evolution and dynamics. Conference topics will include: the role of the state in the development of markets, the role of the artist. The art fairand the collector the creation of new markets, the dealer and the market, mapping markets, the role o f new media and impact of social change –with an ongoing focus and discussion on the tools, techniques, research methods and strategies which enable the study of art markets.
Lecture: Nadine Oberste-Hetbleck, Junior Professor for Art History and Art Market, University of Cologne: A Digital Mapping Project on ART COLOGNE (1967–1997) | 31 May 2019, 11.30 am
Kingston School of Art, Kingston University
The conference is organised by Elisabetta Lazzaro, HKU University of the Arts, Utrecht, Natalie Moureau, Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3) and Adriana Turpin (Institut d’Études Supérières des Arts, Paris) in partnership with the Royal Academyof Art and Kingston School of Art, University of Kingston. For further information please contact Adriana Turpinat adrianaturpin@gmail.com
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Claudia Friedrich (2. Mai 2019). TIPP! Academic Conference and Workshop: The Formation and Development of New Markets -TOOLS FOR THE FUTURE: RESEARCHING ART MARKET PRACTICES FROM PAST TO PRESENT (London, 30-31 May 2019). art market studies | Kunstmarktforschung. Abgerufen am 15. Januar 2025 von https://doi.org/10.58079/b4ez